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How to survive #MayPasok during the rainy season

  • By atmnl
  • 24 Aug, 2018
One of the most stressful things about working or going to school is when it's raining hard and you'll have to brave the storm! Here are a few things that can help you survive #MayPasok even on super rainy days. 

1. NEVER leave home without an umbrella, even if the sun is out

The weather is very unpredictable. Just because the sun is out doesn't mean it won't rain. Just because PAG-ASA says it won't rain doesn't mean it won't. Being ready is key and you should never leave home without an umbrella. You can put a small one in your bag so you're always prepared. It's better to be ready than to go to work or be on your way home soaking wet. 

2. Have a jacket ready

Yes, it's hot in Manila, even when it's raining. However, that jacket can help you remain warm when it's cold in the office or in the public/private transportation. Sometimes, air conditioning feels colder when it's rainy. You can keep one in your bag or at the office just so you're always prepared!

3. Always have spare slippers or shoes in your bag or in your work area

It may feel lame when you're switching from your shoes into your slippers, but this is a better option than having your shoes wet and ruined because of the rain! Some places get flooded easily, and when it's raining hard, water could seep into your shoes. Nothing ruins shoes faster than that. If your shoes got wet from the commute to work, having spare shoes or slippers to switch into at work can make you feel more comfortable. That way, your feet won't feel cold the whole day! You can also add in socks to keep at work just so you're more ready!

4. If your area is already flooded and unpassable, stay at home

It can suck when it's already super rainy but work isn't suspended. But when vehicles can no longer pass through the streets, then maybe it's better to just call your manager and ask them if you can work from home. It would be very difficult if you still tried hard to go through but you had nowhere to ride. That would just be stressful and it might make you sick. Since flooding is common in lots of areas, explaining this to your manager and coworkers might make them understand. 

5. Listen to updates and safety precautions

Check local TV stations, radio stations, or the internet for updates regarding the weather. There can be announcements about the cancellation of work and classes, or they might give you valuable information regarding the rain. Make sure to check text messages from NDRRMC as well because they also give some pretty valuable information!

6. If you want to be even more prepared, have a raincoat and a rain shoe cover ready

Are raincoats only for grade school students? Nope! They're also useful for working professionals like you and us! When the rain becomes too much and you don't want to get your clothes wet, a raincoat is the answer. The rain shoe covers they're selling online or at some shops can be very useful, too, if it rains suddenly and you don't want your feet to get wet. But make sure you take it off before you get on public transportation, though, because you wouldn't want to be rude by getting rainwater on your seatmates. 

Those are just some of the things you need to prepare! If you'll notice, the key to surviving the rain is by being ready at all times. Sure, these items can make your bag bulkier or heavier, but it's better than getting soaked - that's one surefire way of becoming even more stressed on your commute. 

Let's learn from each other by sharing your tips and thoughts in the comments below! Stay safe and dry at all times!
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