This isn't a post that'll teach you how you can make 2018 your best year. That would be pretty unrealistic, because nobody knows how this year will fare on your scale.
Still, you know a new year is all about new possibilities. New things. New beginnings. We want to help you make the most out of it, so we made a little list on a couple of things you could do!
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1. Try new things
We can't even stress enough how important this is! The idea of new and unfamiliar things could get scary, but we guarantee it's worth trying if you're not harming anyone. (We even made a blog post about this. Heh)
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2. Move on from negative things and people
Free yourself from the toxicity. You won't know how refreshing this is until you actually do it.
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3. Don't look back in anger
Like what the Oasis song says! Move on from people, but look at it as a learning experience rather than something to be bitter about. 😉
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4. Be open to all possibilities, no matter how silly they may seem
Ya know. Try and try and try. Don't be close-minded! Except when you should really close your mind from something that could potentially harm you and the people around you.
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5. Offer forgiveness, even to those who haven't asked for it
Chances are, the people who've hurt you most won't even ask for forgiveness. If they do, good for you. But if they don't, erase them from your life and try your best to forgive them. It doesn't mean you have to forget. Again, look at this as a learning experience!
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6. Look for a hobby
At this time of the year most people have enjoyed at least a little time off work, but there are still so many of us who have post-holiday blues. This is normal and it shouldn't make you feel despair! This won't last until your next vacation. Instead, look for a new hobby and enjoy it!
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7. Look for things to look forward to
Make a list of the things you enjoy doing and make time for them! It can be a movie, a dinner date, a party, or anything as simple as a nice, hot bath. You just need the drive to make these little things happen.
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8. Look after yourself
You may have heard yourself saying "ME TIME" a million times before, but did you actually make something beneficial to your health and being?
Maintaining a healthier lifestyle is really difficult, but don't just do something temporary to alleviate the feeling of sadness. The key is to sustain the GOOD in your MOOD, CHANGE YOUR THINKING (if it's too negative!), and GET OUT AND DO SOMETHING PHYSICAL.
When you're seeing the positive effects in yourself, that's how you know you're doing the right thing.
We're pretty sure you know more tips than we do, so let us know! Together, let's make the most out of this year.
Be consistent and include these as part of your daily bread. Ask every member of your family (at least) to support you and do the same. Like a ripple effect, at least 5/10 ratio of people has a bigger impact than 2/10 ratio of saving mother earth.